My Dear Friends at HW--
I continue to have my irregular heartbeats-
This has been going on...for 30 yrs...(I'm 62)-
I have had MANY "event monitors"...on me---only thing were isolated short "runs"...(6..7 or 8 beats)---of SVT--Cardio tells me ..NOT to worry-!
OK...Had the NEW MCOT "event monitor"..on me...TWO months...from mid mid August last sumer----THIS monitor....sends in ANY irregular beats..(SVT...A Fib )--etc...even if the patient does....not feel any symptoms--
Well..I went to see my Cardio.....early Feb--He casually told my two month "study"...nothing really out of the ordinary....except I DID have....ONE....10 second event of ..A-Fib---! He said..." is nothing to worry about. ! We'll just watch it---it is common...with age!
He says..people have these A-Fibs....for HOURS..or DAYS--!
This did NOT "relax"! I feel it will ONLY get worse---!
I am getting..(on MY request)---ANOTHER...MCOT event monitor---early March----Let's see ....what this shows---!
MY QUESTION.....---IF...worse gets to worse----Is an curing this...?
PLEASE.....I would HOPE to hear some..."success"....stories--!
Thanks...PLEASE---get back--- And...Thank you all--! Robert