Hello, my name is Sarah. I am currently 25 years old...married and have had 3 successful pregnancies that resulted in delivering 4 beautiful girls over the course of the past 8 years. My problem starts after my last pregnancy (twins)...I started having panic/anxiety attacks. It took about a year to finally see a doctor and have it diagnosed. My doctor gave me a 24 hr holter monitor, it came back normal except for irregular heartbeats. Then she gave me an Echo, which came back normal...and then an ultrasound on my heart, which also came back normal...and then I was put on Celexa 20 mg. It helped me tremendously...the anxiety symptoms and panic attacks completely went away. So, since I had been on the medication for a year, I figured I was well enough to go off of it. I did...and since then I haven't really had a serious panic attack, but I do still get random anxiety symptoms that usually can be controlled with relaxing and staying away from caffinated drinks. Ok...now, present day. I am nearly 14 weeks pregnant with our 5th child. I have noticed that the anxiety issues have started again....mainly the feeling of my heart skipping a beat ALL the time...especially while lying down. On top of that, I just got put on an antibiotic for a UTI a couple days ago, and my bp was up when I was being seen for the UTI. It was like 155/90. I contributed that to the kidney pain I was having. I use a bp monitor at home and I will admit, I have gotten obsessed with taking my bp more than twice a day. Usually when I'm not feeling well. I am terrified of having high bp so I'm always checking my bp.. I have a question: I was lying down for a few hours because I wasn't feeling well...but when I got up to do something, I felt really tired, and my heart was beating really fast and I took my bp and it was 146/85. I know bp can rise if you are standing...but this happens every time I get up from a relaxed sitting or lying position. I am just wondering if this is something to be concerned about. Lately I've noticed that my heart seems like it beats faster than usual....and it doesn't matter if I'm lying down or up doing something. It makes me feel tired, like I just walked a mile....so I don't know what's going on. I've also noticed I've been having headaches (mostly mild) on and off this whole pregnancy...and when I get one, I check my bp just to make sure and on several occasions I was getting pretty normal readings like 116/69....only a couple have been slightly high (136/75). Can someone please shed some light on this please? I just need answers...Thanks so much.