Hi Curley aka Mela!! Welcome!
I must say, I'm sorry to hear of all your ongoing problems, it's not easy to juggle med.'s and now diets! But let's see what we can do.
Has your Dr. prescribed any statins for you to take or niacin to help lower your cholesterol?
You can probably handle Olive Oil and fresh Garlic in your daily cooking? I know the current food guidelines for all of us to follow regardless of heart problems is 2 1/2 cups of fresh fruit and 2 cups of veggies each day. Along with other helpful foods like whole grains, soy milk, walnuts, almonds, less red meats, more fish like salmon and chicken (without the skin) . Are you able to handle these types of foods? This may be sort of tricky for you, but I'm just throwing out the basics and perhaps you could go from there?! I also drink lots and lots of water, I believe it helps to flush out our system and keep giving the liver and kidneys a healthier chance to
I have a couple of threads here that I'll see if I can find and bump up for you to read re foods that are heart healthy.
I truly wish you the best and please come back and let us know how you are doing, and how the med.'s are with that aortic valve problem. Are they considering fixing it??
The best of luck to you Curley!!
Hugs, Teri