-Left side chest pain ( which worsens with physical activity) Not often but it sometimes radiates to right side of chest
-Left side upper back pain ( Which worsens with physical activity)
-Heart palpitations (Which worsens with physical activity or eating food)
-Not often but left arm pain
These symptoms are almost all the time constant but worsens with physical activity. Also it has a mind of its own so some days I have good days other I have bad.
-Also upon pressure on my limbs they get extremely tingly or with physical activity. they get tingly in less then 10 seconds.
Age: 17
Weight:220 pounds
In June 2011 I was extremely physical active and I was 16. I would run 8 k a day, lift weights and play basketball or box. I weighed 150 pounds and I was in the best shape of my life. For a month I took these herbal pills called Mecca and Testosterone 4 times a day to give me a boost because I was tired from working out so much. After a month I started developing chest pain and thought it was heartburn so I ignored it. Then one night I smoked with my friend and I thought I was having a heart attack so I was rushed into the hospital. My heart rate was extremely high and so was my blood pressure. But the doctors at the ER said there was nothing wrong. I had a chest x-ray and an ECG and nothing was wrong. So they sent me home and my symptoms calmed down.
I stopped taking the pills but for the next week I was basically bed bound, If I did anything physical active my heart would beat really hard and it get extremely tingly in my chest. But after that week I was mobile again and able to do stuff. So I enjoyed my summer but I stopped working out. At the end of August I started to notice that If I did anything physical active I would get dizzy. And then I started to develop little left side chest pain, it wasn't noticeable just annoying. It was also constant. In October my chest pain started to pick up and I started having panic attacks. I was giving an antidepressant saying If your chest pain is the result of Anxiety these medications would get rid of it. It got rid of the panic attacks but I still had heart palpitations upon physical activity like walking up stairs and I still had chest pain . By December I weighed 200 pounds. I got an infection so my doctor gave me these pills called Vimovo to reduce the pain. One of the side effects of these medications is do not take if you have heart disease and when I took it it gave me horrible chest pain. Like waking up in the middle of the night with horrible chest pain and heart palpitations. I stoped taking those medications and by then a cardiologist saw me. I got a echo-cardiogram, 24 hour holter moniter done and blood work. Everything came back fine except my blood work said my white blood cells where a little bit high. In 2012 I started becoming very anxious and depressed about
my pain because I cant do stuff like I used to(basketball, running etc...) In July and August I got a stressed test which told me everything was fine. all the psychiatrist were saying it wasn't my heart so they piled huge amount of medication into me antidepressents, anti-anxiety, anti-psychotic and nothing worked. Plus a hole crap load of therapy which did not help my pain at all. They didnt know what the source of my pain was but they said it was all a mental illness. even though the therapy and medication didnt work. so my doctor though it could be an ulcer in my esophagus or an esophagul spasms, he investigated it but it wasnt. So i am seeing a cardiologist agian. I was referred to him. Please someone help me my pain is really bad all the time and my future isnt looking to good. im not able to go to collage anymore because i have to be physically fit which im not able to because of a pain. so now i cant become a cop:( I live day by day with chronic chest pain. I just want them to find something wrong with my heart so we can handle it from there and i know there is something wrong its just not showing:(. Please someone message me helping me out.
Post Edited By Moderator (stkitt) : 12/29/2012 12:26:10 PM (GMT-7)