i'm kinda freaking out because right now i am having costochondritis and GERD flare ups again - happens for sure every winter and about 4 times in the last few years. they seem to come together.
i really hate never knowing what is going on with my body - i mean i'm smart enough not to go to the ER (i think) - because i've been through this before with the costo pain and gerd. no doctors can determine which one causes the chest pain but i think it's both things going on. and i lifted heavy suitcases a few weeks ago while traveling. plus the cold seems to bring it on with stress. ugh oh and i had a cough that lasted for a month or more recently.
anyone out there have these two together or just consto? i have had all the heart tests but that was a few years ago. i'm sure my doc would just say that since it's the same symptoms it's not needed again. i'm ony 43. not overweight and i don't smoke. i was a little out of breath a few times last week in the morning but doc said gerd can cause this. ugh
what do you do to get rid of this costo forever or is it just chronic. my ob doc said to go to a sports medicine doctor. can't see he would recommend anything diff. than what i've already been told. i always think the worst no matter how many times i've had this. chest pain is just scary.