My mother-in-law (age 79) had her 3rd cardioversion on Feb. 12 (after being in a-fib for more than a month). Her other cardioversions had 'lasted' 18 months to 2 years each. She is now back in a-fib after just about
5 weeks. She takes 150mg of Rythmol 3 times a day, and 25 mg of LoPressor 2 times a day. She is on Warfarin (currently 2.5 mg once a day 7 times a week) as a blood thinner and other meds due to other conditions. One of those medication is celexa- 20 mg once a day) for depression. I will be talking with her PCP about
possibly changing that as I understand it can contribute to her problem.
Her cardiologist's nurse checked her on Thursday and the cadriologist said for her to come in for a check up in April. But the first appointment isn't until April 29. I worry about her staying in a-fib that long again. She is not in the best of health (several strokes , and a broken hip in the past). Due to previous strokes, she can't 'feel' when she is light-headed or dizzy.
Does anyone know how long you have to wait between cardio-versions? Or will the doctor even consdier doing another one since she has already had 3? She doesn't want to consdier ANY surgery such as ablation or maze or even a pace maker.
For your info- We monitor her blood pressure, pulse and oxygen levels 3 or more time a day.