Hi i usually post on the Rhumatoid site but thought you guys might know more about
heart issues, i have had SVT AF for some time now - over 7yrs and been in hospital at least 3 times icu once well i have had more attacks latley unable to almost do anything if i go to shops i stop half way short of breath chest pain jaw pain and over all Yuck
so told my Doc and he sent me to Cardiologist (new one) he said the Digoxin i was on was no good and has changed me to TAMBOCOR (flecainide) First Dose felt ok then in afternoon got Diareah then evening dose same again then this morning i woke up really sore (not unusual with the RA) but Really Tired so Took morning medicins (including the new tab) then went back to sleep then woke 11am could hardly moove Everything hurt but had to get up to go toilet and yes Diahreah heart going irregular as i started moving and got something to eat felt bit better, but still whiped out,has anyone else used this medication or made the change from digoxin to another med if this is usual? Thanks