Hi I'm Alan New to the forum.
Let me start by saying please excuse the babble but i'm really scared of this Anuerysm.
Got a CT scan for my lungs about two weeks ago. Doctor called me and said the lungs are fine but you do know that yuou have an Aorta Anuerysm, right? No I said.
She told me that they've known it since 2010 and that i hasn't grown but the new cardiologist put on the scan notes, the other one was not. WHAT? I said lol
I have an acending Aorta Anuerysm supposedly at 4.5CM
She tells me just have a normal life except for weight lifting you might want to stop that.
Internet here I come, two minutes later I was about to have a heart attack. Kinda still am except Zanax does help. lol
Have been reading of what you're not suppose to do physically and i've been doing them all,i'm now afraid to even walk. Have been playing golf everyday and that's one of the no no's
I'm going to see a cardiologist in a week, but let me tell you guys you want to know about Aorta Anuerysm's
look for a webchat with Dr, Lars Svennson from the Cleveland clinic, and also look up Jeff green and chris wilcox of the celtics he fixed their Anuerysm's and they are back playing pro ball.
Will not anyone operateon me except Dr, Svennson.