Hi I am a 52yo female. Went for my annual check up last week, my Doctor did an EKG, came back and told me she called the paramedics to rush me to the hospital, EKG to her showed I was in the midst of having a heart attack. I'm sitting there shell shocked, no pain and during that my BP rose to 200/110 (I do blame some of that on the paramedics, they were studda bubbas
Anyway, paramedics told me I have a Left Branch Bundled Block. Huh? Basically, it's the electrical magnets that pump the blood my left branch is frayed so the blood has to take the scenic route. Seen Cardiologist in ER, he determined that I was OK for release, did put me on BP medicine and Lipitor. I do have anxiety issues and am on Clonazapam for it. It sucks when every pain you have you think is a heart attack. I was at the Cardiologist today and am scheduled for a Stress Test in October. So I am learning to breath to help the anxiety and hoping that the medicine is helping the other issues. I hope everyone else dealing with these crazy thoughts all the time have some peace, and I'm hoping to get some peace too. Just remember breathe deep, it does help!!
Post Edited By Moderator (stkitt) : 9/11/2013 9:12:09 AM (GMT-6)