Posted 9/11/2013 3:21 PM (GMT 0)
I'm new to this site but I am a 29 year old female who recently had an heart ablation done just a month ago....My heart rate was going up to the 130's-140's...Since my ablation I am able to do a whole lot more than I was before the procedure but still have to limit my Doctor told me he was certain that I would have to have another ablation done. Tho my heart rate has definitely improved (with the help of cardizemn and pindolol) I'm feeling these thumping sensations in my chest almost feels like I cant catch my breath when this occur (not sure how else to explain it) but I was told they was extra heart beats n I'm having moments when my heart flutters. Is there anyone else who's having these symptoms? And how long after your first ablation can u have a second one? Over all my ablation did help me a lot but I'm still not completely cured.