straydog said...
Hi DeltaForce, I have looked at your BP numbers & honestly that is not high. The top number is great, the 92 could have been just a fluke thing to kick it up.
Actually, I have migraine too. Lately, its very well controlled since I addressed the eyesight issue. But since it started cropping up with a different headache than my migraine, I started getting suspicious of BP and I have been tracking it for a month. It is consistently above 90. Sometimes, it does go below till 85 but never below than that.
straydog said...
You should be concerned about your triglycerides being so high. Typically we are told its lose weight, cut back on calories, avoid surgery & refined foods, eat healthier fats, limit alcohol because it is high in calories & sugar. A lot of people take the Omega3 fish oil too. Or your dr may put you on a statin.
I AM worried about
triglycerides. My lifestyle is very healthy, other than exercise part. My diet is well controlled. SAD is not part of my diet at all. Hence, I am more surprised about
triglycerides. I do take fish oil but probably not the amount I should be taking. Is anyone here taking Lovaza or something similar. I would like to give a try to that instead of statins right away. I also started taking Slo-Niacin to see how it will work out before jumping on statins.