Hi Cindy,
I am very deep into trying to understand all of the affects that meds like Lisinopril, which is in a class of drugs known as ACE inhibitors, has had on me. I have taken an ACE inhibitor (Angiotension Converting Enzyme) for 3 years (Altace).
I was started on the drug after a heart attack 3 years ago. In order to understand the effects of this medicine, you must learn about the Renin-Angiotension-Aldosterone System (RAAS) a bit.
I think that I have experienced many of the side affects. I have taken many classes of heart medications for over 3 years, so it has been hard for me to sort out what is happening to my body.
I have been aware of the possible side affects all along. The only reason I have taken it, is because statistically people who have had a heart attack or have heart failure, live longer if taking the ACE inhibitors.
So, I have been thinking about the price we pay for keeping our hearts going. It is a lot for me. I also take beta blockers which come with their own risks and side effects.
I think I will stop the ace inhibitors and a much newer class of drugs, that do the same thing, but in a different way. This new class is the ARBs (Angiotension Receptor Blockers) which directly effect the RAAS.
I just stopped both of these drugs. One by accident when I forgot that yesterday was Friday, and I thought that I could go by the doc's office and pick up some samples for Diovan, today :(
These meds have caused fluid retention, arthralgia, myalgia, severe cough and respiratory problems, skin rashes and a see-sawing of my serum potassium.
I may start these meds again, but for now, I am going to either increase my Lasix (potent diuretic) or my beta blocker since my BP is increasing.
I do not want to discourage you about taking the Lisinopril. It may have a totally different affect on you. You do need to watch your serum potassium because this medicine can/will increase it, which can lead to a dangerous condition called hyperkalemia.
I read that your dose is a starting dose and that the maintenance dose is from 20-40 mg.
I have some hair loss but I think that beta blockers are much more likely the cause.
I think that the number 1 reason for stopping ACEi's is a development of a severe cough. It ususally happens early on and especially in women. I took these drugs for 3 years before I had to stop due to a dry cough. I was switched to Atacand, an ARB which I could only tolerate for 27 days, due to severe side effects. (body aches and joint pain)
Good luck