I am a 36 year old woman with two young kids. A few years ago I started to have this symtom of chest pain, shortness of breath, hand and feet sweating. This happens often on the night but can happen at day time also. Initially I was told it was panic attack but later ultrasound detected mild aortic valve regurgitation. And heart murmur is also heard during routine visit. Dr. said I don't need to worry, just do regular exersise and check up after 5 years.
Otherwise I am in good health, no smoking, no drinking, although a little bit overweight (5'3 and 125lb) and do not always eat as healthy as I wanted to. My blood pressure is normal, sometime low. My EKG is normal, and even when I am having symtoms, I don't have a fast heart beat. Ultrasound also showed a normal heart size. My stress test was normal too.
What bothers me is when I checked on the info on the web, they all said if symptom occurs for aortic valve regurgitation, it is time for surgery treatment; if delayed it could cause heart failure. My problem is I felt my syptom already occurs. Is it panic attack? It sounds more like symptom for aortic regurg. I felt uncomfortable lying flat or on my left side, I can clearly feel my heart beat, I can't bear with any pressue on my neck, my attack often comes when I wake up at night. Should I visit other Dr.s for a second opinion? I really don't want to have a operation at this age, but don't want to delay it when I shouldn't either.