Hi Judy, drastic changes in your pulse and bp can be a sign of another problem other than heart disease.
One day I woke up out of bed and my whole life was changed. Everything was very fuzzy...I couldnt focus my eyes and I felt bad in general. I ended up passing out in the middle of my living room floor and was there for well over 30 minutes. Lucky for me that my mom was coming over to pick up my cat to take to the vet as she was the one who found me and called 911.
At the ER they found that my heart rate was in the low 20's and my blood pressure was also extremely low. After being the in hospital for over 2 weeks and no treatments they did helped the low BP or HR I ended up with a pacemaker and medication to help keep my BP up. It was diagnosed as Sick Sinus Syndrome and Bradycardia (low heart rate).
I continued to have problems with my BP despite the meds. If I was laying down it was really high, sitting it would be normal range and standing it bottomed out and I would pass out as it was so low. It called Orthostatic Hypotension and can be diagnosed with a tilt table test (not very fun to do). Anyhow, I ended up going to Vanderbilt Univ. in Tenn. where they are specialists in this area. Weeks of testing and messing with my meds they found that I have a neurological disease called Multiple System Atrophy that actually was what caused the Bradycardia and blood pressure problems.
My stess tests always come out abnormal as do Echo's and EKG's. I had a cardiac cath about 9 months ago and it was clean, which is good news. However, I still have chest pain, shortness of breath, feel like someone is sitting on me all the time. Of course that is the MSA but it is always a worry for me that my heart is bad.
Anyhow, I totally agree with Kristen that you should get a second opinion and keep on trying to find the answer to what is going on with you. Please do keep us updated and take care