Hi iamloco, welcome to the cardio forum. We of course cant diagnose what your problems may be here but there are many who do have the feelings of extra beats and chest pain. You have mentioned having anxiety? If this has been a problem before then it will and can cause chest pain and for those who do have cardio problems anxiety tends to become a problem. So dont be afraid to take the xanax if it comes to that as it will help calm your nerves.
Getting the second opinion was a good idea but with all the tests you have had done I have to wonder if an angiogram isnt a little invasive for the complaints you have given? Here is a link on what it intails.. http://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/Angiogram Here is another link on arrhythmias which can be either random fast or slow beats... http://www.clevelandclinic.org/heartcenter/pub/guide/disease/electric/arrhythmia.htm
Just a little note when posting...you may get more responses if you break up your post into paragraphs that way it is easier for other members to read. But you can always type which ever way you like. Please do let us know how your doing. Take care