Acid Prone,
I understand your delimna where food and drink is concerned...nobody wants to give up everything that gives us pleasure but having Gerd is a big incentive to change our ways. Alcohol and coffee are the top two Gerd triggers and I wonder if you have tried not using them for awhile and see if your Gerd improves. I know mine did. Prevacid did not work that well for me and also caused constipation...have you thought of asking your GI to switch you to worked alot better for me and didn't cause bowel disturbance.
You should be able to tell in about a half hour if you are getting a flareup from something. Try eating only one thing per half hour or hour to see what the trigger is. Sometimes a flare up will last a few hours or even a day for me. Cheese and apple are not huge trigger foods usually in fact some people say apples temper the acid. IF you have a weak Les then it will open and close at the wrong time so sometimes it doesn't matter if you have eaten or not. I had 71 episodes of Gerd in two days lasting from 5 to 40 minutes and I certainly didn't eat that many times in two days.
God bless you both as you are beginning to understand your body with Gerd.