Newby here!
My problem started in June. I had this funny feeling in my chest, which felt like indigestion. I started taking some Mylanta. That worked. Then the weekend of the 4th of July, I awoke with nausea, and also a terrble feeling in my stomach and chest. I took some mylanta, finally burped and was able to go back to sleep. It really scared me. The next day I was able to talk to the Doc who was on call at the Medical center where I go. He told me to buy some Prilosec. Made an appmt to see my doc, and she agreed and had me take two Prolosec per day, which I did for 30 some days. I wasn't feeling better, but a lot worse. Next appmt doc said, I had a virus. Quit the Prilosec. Of course all this time, they did not help me with what to eat, so I continued with the chicken soup, oatmeal, applesauce and some other very mild other foods. All things which I searched out for myself on the net. I also went the apple and honey route.
Next visit, doc said, I had a nervous stomach, put me on some ativan. Doc wanted me to take Paxil, it made me stare at the wall all night---did not take anymore of that.
Then, the doc was sick and I was unable to see her. Her assistant, then prescibed Prozac. I did not take that either, but was so anxiety ridden I continued with the 0.5 mg ativan, twice a day.
I had become so nervous about what in the heck was wrong with me, that I was wreck! I worried and worried!
Next, I went to see the doc who I use to work for, and he ordered lots and lots of blood work. 18 tubes worth! He deals mainly in wholistic medicine, so he had me do a stool analysis test, plus a few others which I did not do. I was too sick to read and follow all the directions! I did not feel this was the right route. Then our nurse there, was able to get me onto the list at a Gastroenterolgy Center, and they had a cancelation, and WOW I was called right away. The gal at the desk did us a favor and put me at the top of the list.
Since then, I had a scope! I have an ulcer in theduodenal bulb, had biopsies taken for H. Pylori, LA Class A, erosive, reflux-induced esophagitis in the esophagus. 3cmhiatus hernia in the esophagus.
Now I know! Better to deal with when knowing!
GEEEE I started with all this in June, suffered July, August, and most of September till I found out what the heck was wrong with me. That is why I am such a wreck! Then again I am a big baby too!
I get really angry when I think about my doc not ordering a scope in the first place. She was guessing in her diagnosis of first----acid-reflux- then she said, a virus, then she said a nervous stomach!!!!!
I don't know, but something went very wrong along the way.
The Gastroenterologist I am seeing is terrific! She cares and has worked with me! She will call me if I call in with a question, and she has been great.
So now I am taking Prevacid--4 days now. I still eat very carefully.
In a few weeks I am scheduled for a colonoscopy. Also, I have to stop the ativan, and the Gastroenterologist recommended I try Lexapro, along with some ativan for the initial getting use to the Lexapro, then i will be able to stop the ativan. She says, the Lexapro makes one feel evened out or leveled out or something. Hey, I am game for that! I need to feel leveled! I am kinda a nervous person anyway, which didn't help with the 4 months of not knowing what was really happening to me! I was always thinking the worst!
One thing that does help me the most, is eating a Delicious Apple, well only a few slices. I found that little bit of advice on the net. Also the Honey works too. I never was brave enough to try the apple cider vinegar thing.
Well that is my story, most of it, as I'm sure there is something I am forgetting. LOL I am tired, did I mention that? I lost a lot of weight, 30 some pounds, so life is a bit different, but I am hopeful to get past this and get my life back, and most of all I want to think of 'good things' and keep on truckin!
I have a wonderful husband who I have to keep up with, and two daughters who are worried about me, and also two lovely granddaughters who want their Nana to come visit them.
So I am hoping the Prevacid will kick in and things will get better! I am being positive I will 'Level' out and feel like my old self.
Thank you for this Forum, I read here now and then and it has been a lot of help and comfort.
I praying for everyone here!