Yeah, it's so nice to blog with others who are feeling as crazy as I have been, KNOWING that I'm not, and that this is all very real, and scary. I actually didn't have that tiny feeling today that I might drop dead today because the PVCs just might get out of hand.
I know that I should probably do a South Beach type diet always-low carb, with the carbs being natural, high fiber type. I just have NO willpower. I did quit coffee, and have been limiting soda intake since my cardiac cath in January (didn't help with palpitations or GI problems evidently)
Also pinkelly-I had been on ranitidine daily probably for 4 months prior to the really bad GI symptoms that started this October. It's the Protonix that I switched too that made the PVCs disappear, and helped with the epigastric pain- alot stronger than ranitidine. I still get Left sided chest pain, that goes away when I belch a few times. Really great for hubby when I get into bed at night! I also was on some Ativan which helped the palpitations after the cath-it was necessary to get to sleep at night with the heart going crazy. I think I had a few full blown anxiety attacks at night, and if it wasn't for the Ativan, I don't know what would have happened. I haven't taken any since June-don't want that problem too. Whatever is happening to us is causing the anxiety...anxiety is not causing us these problems (well maybe a little- a viscous circle I guess). So yeah, you probably are grinding your teeth at night. My husband also wonderful, but is getting a little tired of it all.
I still need to follow up with GI, which my doctor wants me to do. Really not looking forward to testing.