Good Morning Johnny,
This is Kitt. This forum is your home away from home, your family and there is no such thing as a stupid question. I know when I get worried or upset about my health I become worried.
I have anxiety/depression, GERD and IBS.
When you said "it felt like flip flop" my brain went right to cardiac issue first because arrythmias may feel that way.
That, my friend, is why I want you to tell the physician all and if you don't get the response you want or agree the physician is treating you appropriately look for a second opinion.
There is something comforting about baring your soul to the members of A & P and still being able to be anonymous. So please keep posting and let us help you.
Keep on posting Johnny and I will help you as much as I am able too.
When you feel the problem in your chest and you think part of it is caused by stress try relaxation exercises. Relaxation exercises are techniques to relax muscles and relieve tension by using controlled breathing and muscle flexing. They usually involve sitting down in a comfortable chair, closing your eyes and systematically tensing and relaxing different muscle groups in your body, usually starting with the legs and feet.
Take care my friend.
Gentle Hugs