I had a nissen fundoplication, hiatel hernia repair and gall bladder removal all at once. I have still to this day not been able to stop the maalox and Nexium. My stomach burns and has excruitiating pain worse than ever. I feel like I am being ripped
open. The sight and smell of food makes me sick. The foods I once loved, I have no desire for. I bloat up with terrible foul gas and its constant. I don't like to get out of the house. I live in the Louisiana/Texas area and I am looking for a doctor to undue this procedure. I would like to know if there is anyone that has had a reversal and if so, how are they doing and what is the effects of a reversal. Also I heard something mentioned about
a toupee (partial wrap). I would like to know the pros and cons of that. Also if anyone knows of a "good" surgeon in my area, please let me know. I have been in a plant explosion and shot three times at point blank range with a shotgun and this pain is right up there with both of them or worse. Please Help!!! Any information would be appreciated.