I did get into the allergist. That didn't go real well. I went in and told him how I felt. I told him the symbicort seemed to have a bad effect on me. He went on to say, maybe you should see a psychiatrist or psychologist. He said since my PFTs aren't as bad as I say I am feeling it has to be ashma with something else. He said heart was ruled out so it must be anxiety. I get so frustrated with these Dr.s sometimes. I wish they could be inside my body when I am feeling this bad. Anxiety attacks don't last for days. I have never had a racing heart.
Thanks for being a great online friend.
I did speak with my regular MD about the Pulmonologist. Her assistant called there and they said they couldn't see me any sooner. I will wait it out and try to stay positive. My husband sure puts up with a lot with my health. God Bless him.
The pulmonologist did cut down the symbicort to 1 puff twice a day. He also said to use albuterol as needed and benedryl. He also gave me a prescription for prednisone in case I have problems in New Mexico. I didn't take the symbicort this morning and felt much better by late afternoon. I have been having a lot of trouble sleeping though too lately.
I agree getting back to work will probably help. It will be great to see the kids. We have great staff at our school that I look forward to seeing.
Thanks again for all you continued support.
Let me know how things are going for you. I am glad you are enjoying being back to school. The kids are sure lucky to have you as a teacher.
Take Care,
Post Edited By Moderator (stkitt) : 4/5/2009 8:03:01 AM (GMT-6)