Hi Surfer Girl, Yes my left side certainly feels more sensitive especially when lying down. It has gotten better in the last few days. I am still eating lots of soft stuff, but am adding regular stuff too. I just try to go slow with the food. I have eaten chicken, beef and pasta lately and they have been fine. I try to start the day with mostly soft stuff. I know what you mean about
the bloating discomfort after eating. It was awful,between 3 and 4 weeks it has gotten better. The general area on the mid left seems to be going down and is getting less sensitive. My clothes are starting to feel more comfortable around the middle. I have lost about
15 pounds and am about
down to my ideal weight. Sounds like you have been working a lot and I would guess that Real Estate is stressful, so rest as much as you can. I am a part-time teacher and went back to school today. Luckily I won't be with students for about
2 weeks which hopefully will go smoothly. I have a second part-time job in another school district and will go back in a couple of weeks with them too. I am a "retired" regular classroom teacher, but looks like real retirement is going to be a few years away. I found that any little stress made me really feel ill at first after the surgery. Another reason to rest as much as possible. I was just in meetings today, but got up super early to walk the dog etc and was soooo tired when I came home. I hope you notice the kind of improvements I have around the 4 week mark. I grew up in Oklahoma and know how hot the area can be in the summer. As Texans say when they make fun of Oklahoma-I grew up in a little place north of Dallas-Oklahoma. Ha Ha I used to watch King of the Hill on TV and they were always making little subtle jokes about
Okla. Very authentic. I have some friends and relatives in Texas. I hope you have a restful weekend and that your symptoms continue to improve. Let me know. It is good to have people to discuss this situation. My children were getting REALLY tired of me talking to them about
it. It is a difficult surgery and even kind of hard to explain to people. Good luck