Hi Mary!
Here's the song we sing for birthdays in my class:
"Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, we love you!
Happy Birthday, and may all your dreams come true.
When you blow out the candles, one light stays aglow.
It's the love light in your eyes,
where'ere you go!"
It's by a children's singer, named Tom Chapin. (the brother of Harry Chapin)
Hope you had a wonderful day!
You must be enjoying some different foods. You should be able to handle the fruit loops without any trouble without making them soggy first. Just chew them up completely...they should chew to a liquid pretty easily, and the crunch will be more satisfying to you.
Don't worry about
the "reflux" feelings (Bill, too). I posted my reflux worries often over the past few months, and it has turned out that it's always after my wrap has been irritated. When you took meds, they probably irritated your esophagus, and it read the irritation as reflux.
I don't know if you've read my recovery posts, but my surgeon said that pretty much anything is possible during the healing period, because the wrap is swollen, and can possibly let some acid by. Also, when the wrap is irritated, it can feel like reflux.
As far as food going right through...are you getting the gurgling, too? You're probably getting some "dumping",which can be part of the healing process as well. I still get it occasionally, when my wrap is irritated. I have a very reactive stomach, so it causes me more trouble than usual. Barb and I have similar stomachs, and they can give us fits. While I'm thrilled with the results of the surgery, my stomach keeps me from enjoying it as much as I'd like. My wrap is made of that reactive stomach, so it irritates more easily than most.
You can expect your swallowing to get worse at this point in your recovery...peak swelling of the wrap occurs around day 14, so don't be surprised. It'll pass, though, and you'll be moving forward to a healed wrap! Hang in there. I think you'll be surprised at how soon you'll be eating pretty normal food. I certainly was! I kept saying as much to my husband, and he agreed.
HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mary! You're still two years younger than me!
Take care,