Hello BGdancer2010, and welcome to this great and informative board. Here you will find information and be prepared to ask your doctor specific questions and some time sugest to him/her tests that have helped others find the cure they needed.
I'm really sorry to hear about your problems at such a young age. You have the rite attitude by not givivng up dance especially since it means that much to you. You will need something to focus on through this little journey. I want you to know that your not alone and there is plenty of ways to treat this desiease to get you back to enjoying life.
An endoscopy can be helpfull to find ulcers and in my case it was the first procedure that showed my eroded esophogus and my hernia. What it cant tell is if you have a leaky Lower Esophagial Sphincter(LES). That may be the cause of why you are getting the reflux. If you havent allready, find a GI specialist who can do the necessary tests to see if that is the problem. They can order you to have a barium swallow which simulates the swllowing of food. They do this with you on an xray video machine and it records the movement of the barium through your upper GI systmem. They can see if and how much comes back up. They kind of shake you around and have you lay flat and on your sides as you swallow to try and simulate reallife scenarios.
The other test is a Motility test. This test is very acurate at measuring the oressure of your LES. If your LES in not working properly the Specialist can then decide how they need to treat you. If its severly defective then surgery will be the answer. I had the surgery 5 and 1/2 weeks ago and I can tell you first hand that its very much worth it.
Allways keep in mind that doctors work for you and some times you have to push them to perform the necessary tests. If they dont seem to be intrested in helping you them find another one. When you get test results, ask for them in writing or get copys of the results. This will allow you to take them to another doctor for a second opinion with you having to explain what was done and what the other doctor told you. Some people have found that doctors some times mis interpret tests results.
I hope my reply helps answer some of your questions. Please feel free to ask as much as you can. You can also read through some of our posts to see what our progress after surgery is like. Its different for every one since we are all unique, but this disease doesnt discriminate. I have read on this forum about infants having the surgery so if it gets to that point know that you will carry on afterwards better than ever for the rest of your life.
I'm glad you found us. You seem to have a great attitude for dealing with this at such a young age. Just know that you will get past this. Its just a bump in the road.