I did manage to get 4 hours of sleep. Had to get up and go to the High School to pick up my daughter's home work. I just got my computer back online. I decided to upgrade my hard drive again since the other one I bought was going out. Thankfully it gave me some warning and I had enough time to replace it before it completely quit. I had been using my old sata those things are slow compared to the new ones! This one is even faster than my other one that is going bad. Guess that's what I get for being cheap and buying a used one. Oh well, win some loose some.
Kitt- I have never had the sedation meds do that before, but I sure couldn't get to sleep all day and night. I finally got to sleep about
7:30 am. I should have known something was going to be strange when it took about
10 minutes and 2 doses of the stuff to get me to sleep at the procedure. It's funny when they keep asking you if you are a sleep yet wen you are staring at them
You would figure they could figure that much out!
. I started to laugh at her the 3rd time she asked me.
Well have a great weekend!