8-28-2012 California Time
Tammy, didn't you read Lucy's entire statement?
SHE, as it seems that No one has tried the Barton Publishing Cure, BUT...everyone & they have NO MEDICAL TRAINING, but... they says,
"Don't Try It!"
This is like Most Medical Doctors who who are the Brain-Washed Drug Pushers for the Drug Companies pooh-pooh High Dosage Intravenus Vitamin "C" even though this has been proven by Several Medical Doctors Long, Long ago, including by Dr. Frederick Klenner in the 1940's that it will CURE ALMOST EVERY DISEASE, INCLUDING NON-DISEASE OF VENOMOUS SNAKE & SPYDER BITES which was Published in Major Medical Journals.
Also by Dr. Thomas E. Levy MD JD
(that means: Medical Doctor & Juris Doctorate as an attorney) who's book "PRIMAL PANACEA," WILL Give You Knowledge you certainly don't have, but NEED, before you speak out anymore Without Any Knowledge.
Put the name of Allan Smith of New Zealand who was on his "DeathBed" in a Coma, but on Life Support Systems equipment & all the doctors in the hospital treating him told Mr. Smith's Family to "Take Him Off Life Support & Let Him Die." Drug Companies & their BrainWashed Doctorss seem to prefer to let you die, rather than give a patient "Intravenus High Dosage Vitamin "C", because Drug Companies CANNOT PATENT VITAMINS & THEREFORE CANNOT MAKE ANY MONEY FORM VITAMIN "C", ETC...
Also, right NOW the ebook information is only $19.95+s&h.
I also have the 60 minute DVD about Allan Smith which cost me $3.00
It isn't hard to seek TRUTH, IF you're not too LAZY!