Hello every one.
I had my first EDG post Nissen today. My GI specialist schedulled it because I ave been having some discomfort in my esophogus for the last 3 weeks or so. Its not GERD related because pain meds like Tylenol and Motrin seems to help alive it.
He gave me a picture print out that I want to share with you guys. I knew he would provide me with these pictures and I was very intrested in seeing how my wrap looked on the inside.
I hope you guys dont get grossed out. Its nothing gross to me as I find the pictures very informative especially for some one who is newly diagnosed and is wondering what could be goin on in their body.
I tagged the pictures to explain wht your looking at. In the first picture on the top left you can see the Hernia is so bad, and the LES is so damaged that you can see inside my stomach from my esophogus.
This is the one I recieved today. You can see the inprovement. The only minor thing found was very minor gastritis.
Thanks for looking and I hope this helps some oen out there who is trying to understand what this desiease is and how it can be remidied.