I enjoyed reading all your comments about
your LNF surgery. Thank you, I learned that some of my problems are common after LNF surgery. I think if I would of read this before the surgery I would not of gotten it done(I would of been scared of what if's). However, talking with my doctor about
my particular symptoms, GERD, regerging in my sleep, constant heartburn with water and food, medication not helping, made my decision much easier. Now on day 3 I have none of my symptoms. Thank God! My side effects from surgery...slight tenderness from the incisions(no big deal), tightness when swallowing (has gotten easier), chest and shoulder tightness, like an anxious can't breath feeling ( has subsided from 100% post surgery to 40% (getting better), my belching, gas and bloating after eating I now know are normal side effects (I will experiment with eating slower and sipping on water as I eat)( again no big thing compaired to the old heartburn). Oh..an interesting thing I found out was that I had been on the prescript
ion PPI's for almost 10 years and found that they caused my side effects of throat growths and an increase in my oste
openia. Over the past 10 yearsI did do the EDG x 3, removal of growths x2 and manometer x2. I have also seen several doctors, and they never said anything about
this procedure (I don't think they even did the LNF) I feel very grateful that I was led to this wonderful doctor that has a special skill in performing this procedure. I thank God for leading him to me. Anyone suffering from heartburn knows the struggle they face. They have to weight all the criteria available in their particular situation and interview doctors until they feel confident that the doctor treating them has the best skill to perform the LNF surgery. Have a blessed day. Kittymama