speden said...
My insurance company switched me to generic Prevacid this month, and as soon as I started taking it, I noticed all my old symptoms coming back. I opened up one of my Prevacid 30 mg capsules and one of the generic 30 mg capsules, and saw there there is about 30% less stuff in the generic capsules. I think that is why it doesn't work as well. Now I have to figure out how to get back to the dosage level I had on Prevacid because it was working pretty well. The generic version just does not seem as potent.
Hey Speden,have you been able too figure out if the change of meds has caused the old symptons,i had a endoscopy done on 1-25-10 they found that my esphougus some burning,I tell ya I was ok until the med change and I can't change back until this supply is gone,very frustrating.