Where do I begin?? I was diagnosed about 3 yrs ago with Gerd and was put on Protonix until last year when my insurance quit paying for it. So I was switched to Nexium 40 mg once a day. Could eat anything and it not bother me.
In August of 2009, I had the worst case of Asthma, was put on Prednisone for about a month along with inhaler, nebulizer, singulair and allegra. While on the prednisone, I started burning really bad in throat. Doubled up on nexuim and it got better. By October, no more asthma, then the end of October, I got food poisoning from a restaurant and was put on Cipro. Throat started burning really bad felt like it was on fire and felt like I had a lump in throat. Then I got to where I felt my throat was closing and I couldnt swallow. I saw a gastroenterologist and she did a EGD on November 20. I had a polyp in top of stomach which she removed and was benign, had non-erosive gastritis and she stretched my esophagus. Esophagus looked fine ( Thank God ). After having all this done was still burning in throat. I saw my allergist in November and was put on allergy shots. Next they sent me for ultrasound on gallbladder and a Hida Scan. Showed on ultrasound gallstones or polyps. Hida scan showed gallbladder was functioning but low. I had gallbladder surgery on Jan. 5, 2010. I am still having burning sensation in throat really bad.
I am watching my diet, no spicy, fried foods, chocolate, carbonated drinks, no black tea, but have been drinking green tea and lots of water. I have tried Kapidex and it didnt help now I am on Aciphex 20 mg twice a day and sometimes take Zantac, and it seems to not be working. I think with the prednisone and cipro it messed up my system and with gall bladder removed, I think it will take awhile for my body to heal. But I dont know how much more of this I can take.. The only stress in my life is this Gerd.
The gastroenterolgist wants to send me out of state to a hospital for a study. Not sure if my insurance would pay for out of state. She said there wasn't anything else she could do... She did not order any blood work to see if anything else is going on, so I contacted my primary care doctor and I had the blood work done yesturday. Anxious to hear from it.
I am thinking about going to another gastroenterogist for a second opinion. Oh, I have lost 21 lbs. since November 2009. Has anyone had this problem with prednisone or antiobiotics and did it get better?? Any advice would be appreciated!!!