Thank You for the Replies, I AM A HEAVY SMOKER!!! 43 + years.
I cannot see a DR. for weeks and sometimes MONTHS> I have an appt. in a month to see an ENT, it has taken 5 months to get this appt. I go to a Govt. hospital for low income and they don't take anything serious!!! It's a bunch of RESIDENTS seeing people like me so they can get thier Diploma saying "DR" to tell you the truth, they TERRIFY me.
I won't go into it,but I have GOOD REASON TO BE TERRIFIED!!!
I could go to the E.R. and wait 12 to 24 hiurs to see someone, only to be told to make an appt. with my primary.
EXAMPLE: I went to the E.R> with a broken arm (as per x-ray) gave me pain med., I had to make an appt. with my PRIMARY/GP so he could put a refferal in the comp. for me to see an otho. It tooks 3 weeks to get an appt. with the Ortho. told I should have been in phys. therapy 2 weeks after break, took another 5 weeks to get an appt. with phys. therapist!!!
I HAVE TO WAIT!!! The longer it takes, the more PANIC!!!
I AM IN A CATCH 22 !!!!!!!!!!!
I have to live with this GOV. B. S. EVERYDAY!!!!!