I had a EGD in 2006 and was put on Protonix 40mg once a day. I think there was a small area on my esophagus, the reason for the medicine. March of 2009, my insurance wouldnt pay for Protonix so they switched me to Nexium 40mg. Then in August I had a bad attack of asthma, was given predisone ,albuterol for nebulizer and inhaler. I rinsed mouth afterwards too) . My throat started burning bad with the meds. My asthma lasted for about a month and throat got some better. I went to my allergist and he said he thought it was acid reflux, told me to continue med for acid reflux. He did skin testing and I am back on allergy shots. Then in October I got food poisoning was put on Cipro for a week. Throat felt like it was on fire. It wasnt at back of throat, it was further down. I saw my Primary Care Doctor which sent me to a GI. I had started having spasms in my throat, was having problems swallowing etc. She did a EGD and found no hiatal hernia, non -erosive gastritis, and a polyp on fundus in stomach, which she removed and it was benign. Also, stretched my esophagus. Upped my nexium 2 xday. I have lost about 30 lbs. (which I needed to, but not like this). I was still having burning in throat and had started hurting a little on my right side under ribs. I went for a ultrasound and hidascan and it was functioning but real low, January of 2010 had gall bladder removed. Throat was still burning. I had another opinion from a gastroenterologist and a ENT. both said it was acid reflux. I started back on Protonix 40mg 1xday and prevacid 15mg 2x night . Last month I was sent to a surgeon who does the Nissen and he ordered a manometry and 24 hr ph probe. Went back last week for results and they were normal. He said I had no esophageal reflux. He said the Ph probe scale showed a 4. If it had been like 14 it would be abnormal and he would be doing surgery, but since it wasnt, no surgery. I asked why does my throat burn and when i wake up in mornings feels like a sore throat but further down. He couldnt give me any answers, sent me back to my GI. Waiting on appt to see her. I quit the the PPI's last week since he said I dont have esophageal reflux. I did ok for a few days, but today im thinking about going back on them...cant take the burning. Also, I have been watching what I eat. Trying to eat more alkaline foods, which has helped some. Oh, I never had the acid come up in throat or mouth. Could this be silent acid reflux or what? Has anyone had this diagnosis before?