Hi leiijane,
Welcome to the Wrapped Club at Healing Well!
Oh, my goodness! Five weeks is in the early stages of recovery! I am quite disgusted with surgeons, as they just don't prepare their patients for the course of recovery.
At two weeks, your wrap is at peak swelling, and you're just two weeks past that.
Your upper GI tract has gone through a major revision. Laproscopic surgery is deceiving. You recover on the outside so quickly that you expect the inside to follow suit. However, your inside has been what I've heard described, mixed up with an egg beater. It's going to take time to heal.
Think about
it. Part of your poor little stomach has been wrapped around your esophagus and stitched to create a new valve. It is going to take your stomach more than five weeks to recover and get back to normal.
You will be able to gradually eat more and more normally as time passes. Please try to be patient and follow your recovery. If you fight it, and get angry, your recovery will be so much more difficult. Surrender to your recovery, and follow it where it leads. You will find that in the end it will be worth it. You certainly couldn't continue as your were--it was a life-threatening condition. Accept the fact that it will take some time to get back to normal eating, but relax and trust that it will happen! We've all been there, believe me. Your experience is very common.
When I was going through what you're experiencing, a more experienced member told me that most of the healing occurs within the first six months, and the remainder by the end of the first year.
I can tell you that at four months I was eating normally--whatever I wanted. We went on vacation and were going out for fine meals nightly. You will always want to chew your food more carefully, as the new valve takes more work to get through. That's why it keeps the acid in your stomach.
If you're taking prilosec for the first time, don't assume you'll take it forever. At your stage of healing, the wrap may not have settled into place completely. Swelling in a section can leave a little
opening and may allow a little acid through. Also, you may be on it to calm your stomach and protect the wrap as it heals.
Try to be patient. We've all been where you are. Things will heal and you will get back to normal.
Glad you've joined us!