Hello. I have GERD, and take Nexium and Ranitidine for it. These meds seem to work for my heartburn issues, but I definitely have something else going on.
I guess I should say that I am a 46 year old female, smoker. My mystery illness symptoms began in December 2008. It began with chest discomfort and shortness of breath, which scared the crap out of me, and then came the anxiety attacks. I ended up in the ER a couple of times. First time they said it was anxiety and hyperventilation syndrome. The second time they gave me a GI cocktail which did nothing, then they were thinking maybe heart, so they gave me a nitro which made me feel terrible, so they figured not heart. They gave me iv dilaudid and lorazepam which made me feel a lot better.
I have had the following tests over the past 2 years.
- endoscopy (normal, no signs of hiatal hernia or damage from gerd)
- x-rays of lungs and heart (normal)
- ultrasound to check bile duct (normal, gall bladder removed in 1990)
- ct scan (abdominal and pelvic.............normal)
- ct scan (chest and abdomen.....normal, but found small pulmonary nodules on my lungs, large bone spur on my spine, and scoliosis)
- barrium swallow (normal, normal, normal)
- stess echocardiagram (normal, heart looked good)
These are my symptoms:
- upper abdominal, center below breast bone(discomfort, dull ache, gnawing feeling, at times this ache feels like it goes straight to my rear end. I don't know any other way to describe it)
- chest fullness (discomfort, seems to radiate from stomach, makes me anxious and short of breath)
- constipation (not always, but it is always a struggle and strain to go)
- shortness of breath
- pain between shoulder blades (makes me feel nauseated)
- take a lot of deep breaths, sometimes have to yawn to get a good breath
- feels like my heart goes "phlunk" when I exhale sometimes
- sometimes while talking I get this sensation in my chest and throat that makes it hard to keep talking, have to stop until sensation leaves
- spasm like sensation in chest
- burping, burping, burping, as soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning and all throughout the day.
I have read up on everything, like fibro, perimenopause, gerd, heart disease, celiac disease and h pylori.
Something interesting. Between June and November of this year, I felt great. Every once in awhile, maybe a little hint of one of my symptoms, but for the most part felt great. I seem to be getting nowhere with my doctor, and when I asked him if he would test me for h pylori (of which I have all the symptoms) he just told me that he really didn't think that was it. So, that's one test I haven't had. I am going to demand one on Monday, and we'll see.
Whatever it is I have going, it is making my life a living hell. It's not just anxiety. I am not anxious all the time, only if my symptoms are so bad to the point I can't breathe well. Something is definitely wrong with me.
One more thing I would like to add, is that the other night my stomach was so bad, it felt as if hands were twisting my stomach. It was excruciating for like 5 minutes, and then just a dull ache afterward.
Please, if anyone has any wisdom with any of this, please post your ideas. I will take all the advice I can get! Thank you so much!