Hello Everyone...I am Ladyt..I am here today to get much needed advice and here to absorb like a sponge......I am at my wits ends....here is a little of my background....I am 42 years of age, at the age of 19 I had Kidney Failure, secondary to Lupus Nephritis without any symptoms. I had a second Kidney transplant 2003/Living realated. I have had Gerds for about 5 years with no relief, as well as have a hiatal hernia. I have had all the test, barrium/the test with the tube down the know connected to the monitor, eating the sandwich with the chemicals on it to watch it digest super slow.....I have taken all the meds under the moon....as of today I take Protonix 40 mg 2x's daily, Ranitidine 180 1x daily...In the past i have take Erythomicin daily because they test showed my stomach empties very slowly as well as the lower sphincter muscle remains open....My symptoms are burning of the throat and ears...throwing up in the middle of the night...The burning is so bad, I go to the hospital at times for mylanta and the anesthesia that numbs the burn......(Im so tired of this I cant even cry) When I am throwing up after doing so, it seems that I spit for about a half hour with clear mucous....then back to bed with all the pillows....keep in mind I dont have my gallbladder, which was removed in 1999 due to 17 gall stones......the pain that i had with that is the same belly pain I have now...Belly Pain is off the chain....Vicodin 750 does not help and a heat does not help.....Emergency room can put me out my misery temporarily.....I have been to my GI at ucla westwood, and all he does is tell me to come once a month with no outcome....the last bright ideal he gave me was similar to a ticker in the tummy to make it contract....(that did not fly by me) so I have been missing in action for the past 2 years.....I just had a baby whom is 9 months and the pain went dormat whild pregnant...and is ow back full force...I have been want that Nissen for the longest and the Doctor would just skip over it......I now am out to find one of Souther California best G.I....so please if anyone can recommend one please do.....I cant take the stomach pain, anymore....I am exhausted.....as well the doctor had me on a medication named domperion like the wine....it came from Canada///not FDA approved ...I stopped taking because the medication was about 100 dollars each fill and I did not know the side effects.....Please give your opinions..........Ladyt