I can only say I am so happy to have found this forum, I know I have IBS and GERD, but never felt the palpation's until the other day, and it scared me!! I did notice I had a lot of gurgling in my stomach but was not burping or not to be rude, passing gas..I also noticed with every gurgle i felt a palp. I do suffer from Anxiety, but I don't think the anxiety kicked in until I felt the palps. Not that I'm happy anyone else suffers from it but it does make me feel a little better to know I am not alone and crazy..lol..I read a post someone wrote about
magnesium and gaviscon. Gas X also helps me. I ran to the pharmacy and purchased.. Centrum Cardio health, and magnesium. I also take zantac. Since I do take Prozac, i spoke with my pharmacist to make sure it was ok to take everything else. He mentioned palps are common with both GERD and IBS and recommended I try Oral Aloe, he said not only does it help but it does promote healing. I went to GNC and got it, it's inexpensive and the cashier said he uses it for erosion in the esophagus along with a change in diet. I got the berry flavor and it taste ok, just chill it and drink it fast!! I am willing to try anything, because as harmless as I have been told the palps are for me they are scary!! I try to understand that they come along with the IBS symptoms, like bloating, gurgling feeling. I hope I can make someone else feel a little better too!! Thank you to everyone who shares their symptoms!! If anyone can share, I would love to know if people are having the same symptoms !! Thank you!!
Edit: I gave your post a title :)
Post Edited By Moderator (stkitt) : 3/28/2011 8:41:40 AM (GMT-6)