Hello, I am new here. I came across this site when doing research on my symptoms. (sorry this is long!)
Little background, in 2006 i had a severe asthmatic cough for 4-5 months. I finally went to my GP. (I was diagnosed with asthma when i was a baby). He put me on predinsone, did a bunch of tests and then sent me to a pulminary doctor for further testing since my x-ray came back that i had COPD, and at 25 with no history of smoking, that result was surprising. The pulmonary doc took one look at me (quite mean) and said i dont have COPD, my breathing tests came back normal (predisone cleared me up) and said that i have acid reflux. Prior to 2006 i have been on prednisone many times but i cant recall if it was ever this severe.
This past October, the same thing started happening, severe asthmatic cough 24 hours a day (from October 4th to the middle of Feb), every time i ate it got so much worse. Instead of going to a pulminary doctor, i went straight to my gastro, who scheduled me for an endoscopy after hearing my symptoms. Symptoms include burping after ingesting anything, including water; shortness of breath; nausea after certain foods; bloating after every meal, small or large; sore throat; and asthamtic symptoms, I could barely have a conversation with anyone or walk fast, thats how bad my asthma symptoms were. He also checked my lungs, didnt hear any phneumonia. He put me on GERD meds, which i took for a month and they did nothing except give me lower digestive problems. He recommended i go to a pulmonary doctor, but i didnt want to go to the same guy i went to previously so i found a new one who is such a great doctor. He also didnt hear pneumonia or bronchitis. He gave me a in-office nebulizer treatment, which helped and also put me on a controller inhaler. He didnt want me going for the endoscopy without my lungs under control. My asthma symptoms declined enough for the endoscopy.
Endoscopy results came back with Hiatal hernia, which he described as being in my chest and Acid Reflux/Esopogitis, because there was major inflamation in my esophagus. So in his opinion, he said that the hernia/reflux was triggering my asthma. Because i hated the side effects of the GERD meds, i decided to make all the diet and lifestyle changes i could, including illiminating certain foods, beverages; trying not to overindulge; not eating at least 2-3 hours prior to bed time; and sleeping on an incline. I seemed to be doing a little better but then my asthma acted up again the end of December and i was having the same severe symptoms again. My pulmonary doc put me back on the controller inhaler and nebulizer treatments 2x a day. I also chose to try the GERD meds again mid January (against every bone in my body), but again all they did was give me lower digestive problems, so i tried for a month straight with no help. It wasnt until i went back on prednisone in February that my asthma cleared up. I spoke to my gastro doc again, and he referred me to a surgeon that preforms laproscopic hiatal hernia surgery since meds arent working and my asthma is so bad.
so heres where im totally stuck and basically back to square one.
I went to the surgeon and he looked at my endoscopy results and basically thought i needed the surgery. He also thought that i may have been misdiagnosed when i was an infant as having asthma when i probably had reflux. (i most def have asthma though, i have allergic triggers, laughing and working out gives me reactions as well) He sent me for a barium esophogram and mamnomotry (spelling). Both these tests came back normal, as in no hernia and no reflux (????) So now he is sending me for a PH test (24 hour test, they stick a tube up your nose and into your stomach and monitor for 24 hours) to determine if i actually have reflux. he also said that if this tests comes back saying no reflux, i may have a food intolerance, which may be the cause of my esophogitis. (I have been tested for food allergies and i dont have a single one.) BUT, i still burp up everything i consume. I can drink water first thing in the morning and burp up that. I have noticed that i will get nauseas after eating certain high fat content food, such as guacamole - i can eat a ridicuolous amount in one sitting, fried foods (im not talking fast food, as i havent had fast food since i saw supersize me, 2004/5 maybe), Chicken or tuna salad- i assume its from the mayo; or high sugar content like candy. I also can not eat chinese/thai/vietnemese foods as these foods actually make me so nauseaus that i will puke.
I havent searched this site much yet, being that i just signed up. But has anyone had these types of symptoms that mabye can shed light on reasons why i am having all these symptoms?
I am willing to try anything (except meds). The surgeon suggested i keep a food diary, but like i mentioned, i can drink water and react. so i would be writing everything down hehe. But i might start doing that anyway, incase the PH test comes back with no reflux and i have to see a nutritionist.
My gastro also suggested i take Activated Charcoal for gas and bloating. i've been doing that and sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesnt. Anyone out there take this stuff?
thanks for reading my post :)