Thanks for the comments everyone.
Alcie - As of last endoscopy I did not have a hiatal hernia, but around 8 years ago I had one that showed a small hernia.
Linx guys are saying that surgeon Prof Favretti will fix small hernia at the time of placement of device.
I am thinking Linx is the way to try and if not they can remove and convert to nissen ot toupet fundo, but then would end up having 2 or 3 surgerys which is not a great thought.
I have only seen 4 people on the net talking about there own experience with the Linx, two had ok results 2 did not really work. I wish more people could post on here who have had the linx, as there is around 150-200 that have been implanted in the last 2-3 years. Could it be that the rest are doing well with it? The latest stats seem to show this.
The issue you have had with disturbing the wrap, is something I am worried about also, along with the weight loss as I struggle to maintain my weight as it is. The results your centre show are exellent and I have never heard of such a high success rate anywhere.
Decisions decisions huh