Thanks for the info and for the welcome, ladies! I guess I'm going to have to suck it up and have the scope done sometime soon
.... ugh!
I've been wondering about
a possible reaction to wheat or dairy, too: I was on a diet a couple of years ago that eliminated both, and I noticed a big change in how bloated I wasN'T! I am a real dairy freak (drink lots of milk, couldn't live with cheese), so I don't even want to think about
that just yet .... maybe I'll just try cutting back and see if there's any difference. I don't eat a lot of bread, but we do eat a fair bit of pasta, and I don't really like the rice pasta .... any other alternatives? Wheat might be harder than I'm thinking ...
I should have mentioned that I've already had my gallbladder out about
5 or 6 years ago now. My GERD problems started shortly after that, and my IC a couple of years later. I have a sneaking suspicion that it's all related somehow ... or maybe it's just "middle age" creeping up on me!
Strangly enough, the acid in my throat and stomach is almost better today, although I'm still bloated like a balloon and my stomach is very "talkative". Interestingly, my husband (who is thin, and almost NEVER gassy), is tooting like an old work horse today, so maybe part of my problem WAS a stomach bug of some kind (??). In any case, I am going to try some diet changes to see if that might be part of my problem, and I've started - in earnest - a diet to lose some weight today .... again. Pray for me!!