Hey;I'm new to this message board.I"ve had depression and anxiety for years.I have Acid Reflux Disease,which has been controlled for many years with prevacid.I've tried different kinds of meds for this in the past;this medicine had always been a lifesaver for me;for some reason;in March 2011,it just felt like my acid reflux went out of control.I've switched to Nexium,which seemed to help but my acid reflux is still bothersome.I noticed that eating soild food is just really out for me to handle anymore;eg,swallowing difficulty;nausea;belching;feeling of food getting stuck in my esophagus;chest pressure;chest discomfort.I've resorted to pretty much a liquid diet and soft foods;ie:ensure;applesauce;cream of wheat.
I just saw a GI Dr;he thinks it could be a narrowing;scarring of my esophagus.I'm scheduled to do an endoscopy soon.The Dr. said that if he sees any of the narrowing;he would dialate the problem.I know that this could return,if indeed this is my problem.I went to the er several times because I just wasn't eating;had to get IV drips and a few tests(barium swallow showed no narrowing or stricture).I've been so overwhelmed with all of this;I feel like my life is just crap anymore.The only relief I have from the pain of the acid reflux is to eat the way I have been;to eat soild food=misery;hard time breathing and the horrible nausea.I'm at a point to where I just don't want to get out of bed anymore.I'm sick of crying and feeling sorry for myself;wondering what I did wrong...I'm even in therapy because of all my bad thoughts.I fear even if I have this procedure done;it's not what it is and I'm stuck this way.I'm just at a point where the depression has just swallowed me whole and I'm not sure I can even lift my head anymore.When you deal with depression and get more added depression on top of that;it's just too much to bare at times.I try to stay positive but,it gets harder to stay positive.I had a problem years ago with a swallowing problem;due to my anxiety;I know now,that was just anxiety tightening my throat;maybe some acid reflux I was unaware about.What I am going through now is not in my head and I refuse for anyone to tell me otherwise.Anyway;I'm just curious if anyone else has dealt with any of these similar symptoms and situations?