Hi Debra,sk55 has offered you very wise advice. I'm sorry to hear you're still suffering, but very happy to hear that you've been referred to someone who can get to the bottom of the problem.
A thoracic surgeon in our are is the one who does "all the Nissens", and I recently went through all the testing you'll be having to ensure that my wrap was still working. Thankfully it was. I went on the request of my allergy/asthma doc, who was worried that it had failed and I was getting reflux again.
You will have an endoscopy, but as sk55 said, don't worry.
These things are necessary to figure out what's going on and how to stop it. Might it irritate your esophagus? Yes. Might you not even notice a difference? Yes.
But no sense in worrying about
it. You will be able to eat after the scope. Even if your throat is a little sore, you'll be able to swallow.
The other tests they will do is a 24 hr PH monitor--either wired or a BRAVO capsule they attach to your esophagus when they do the endoscopy. These measure how much acid is coming up. It's recorded on a little computer you carry with you while the test is being done.
Another test you may get is the Manometry. It's a test of your swallowing reflex, and is important for two things. It can measure the strength of your LES, and also can tell how good your swallowing strength is. If they do a Nissen on you, they need to know that so they can determine what type to do and how tight it can be made.
Please, please take a deep breath. Try not to let your worries get ahead of you. They do nothing but harm you. They make your acid production increase, and actually make reflux worse. Practice relaxation exercises, and work on maintaining a positive attitude about
this visit with the surgeon, and testing that will be ordered. You're moving in the right direction.
Don't worry about
the added medication. Your doctor is trying to cut the acid way down so you have a chance to heal. Food still digests without that acid. I know why you're wondering...I always wondered as well.
You know that we will be here for you, to help you all along the way.
You have your own cheering section!
Let us know what happens with the surgeon on Thursday.
Hang in there!
(((((Gentle Hugs)))))