Darryl said...
Hey Baldwin,
I never had asthma - put since trying PPI's, I was also having difficulty breathing, couldn't swallow, had phlegm in my throat that seemed impossible to get out, and always try!
Doc said I was making it all up! So glad to hear I'm not the only one and that it's not all in my head. Yes, it stopped the acid, and that was great. It's just that there were too many other side effects that came along with it. Not to mention that they believe it could lead to severe osteoporosis! I know someone that's broken three bones in two years with casual common bumps!
Anyway, I think I'm going for the op in about a month. I also suffer from choking awake, not being able to breathe and not knowing what's going on when that happens. It makes one extremeley anxious, and even scared to go sleep at night. If I feel acid, I opt for vomiting it out before falling asleep. Not a way to live!
Doc says I have a Hiatal hernia and weak LES because of it. So its free flow for food in the system, up or down! So it's a mechanical problem, and the only way they are gonna fix it, permanantly, is surgery I guess. Cant' always treat the symptoms on long term basis.
So how is it going? You been to the ENT specialist, or gastroenterologist?
I don't wnat someone to opperate on me, but I've been battling so long now, I just want some relief!
Good luck bud.
Hey Darryl. How are you feeling today man. That pllegm I also had in my lungs and throat. That was brutal. Glad to hear somebody that sounds like thewhat I have done through. Did you ever have sinus problems? Its felt liek I had an infection in my lungs and throat, the into my nose and now its into my head. My eyes feel weird now and I kinda feel dizzy sometimes. I dont get hurt burn now but have been feeling like death for after a month now. I cant go out and have fun anymore cause Im do scared of passing out or not being able to breathe etc.. Cant go on dates now. Im booked to see a gastroenterologist on Oct 17th. Seems like there on in a rush to help me. I also alwasy feel like my mouth is nasty. dry but also gross I think from the acid and stuff. But Im just learning to leave with it. Im taking tekca something like that for GERD but now I dont get heartburn but I get all the systoms of sereve GERD. My breathing is better for now but you know it can turn any time. My nose is better too. Im getting depressed. My friend rented out a bar tonight, they have a band and my one buddy is going to austriala for 2 plus years and I cant go cause of this. You cant explain to them about it cause they will call you a baby but GERD is a really bad thing man. I hate it. Im afraid too that they might say to me if they find something that they will have to do surgery too. But I will do it to stop this from ruin my life.
sorry for the speeling eras TTYL Stevey B