Hi All,
I used to post under the name Maxevie but moved email address so re-registered as Simon1. I wanted to get in touch with you all again for some reassurance after an endoscopy I had yesterday. I last got in touch via this forum after feeling like my wrap may have been disrupted (Nissen fundo in Oct 2010). I had the PPH ambulatory and manometry tests that showed all was ok, though still felt like I was having symptoms so insisted my surgeon do an endoscopy (he didn't want to as felt the other test results were negative). The endoscopy was yesterday and I'm feeling quite sore today. Quite a sore throat (which I can understand though was hoping to avooid as I suffer from laryngeal papillomas that can be aggravated by trauma/bruising to the throat tissue) and also a fairly constant twitching/spasming at the wrap site. The surgeon put the camera through the wrap and insufflated my stomach to check how the wrap looked when the stoomach was full of air, I guess to replicate it being full of food. The results were good ie wrap not disrupted and closing when stomach full.
However, I am now very worried about this constant twitching at the wrap site as it is not abating. Have I somehow damaged the wrap or caused some kind of permanent nerve situation that means it's going to intermittently twitch endlessly? It's almost like a purrrrrrrr - not painful but very distracting and a little uncomfortable. I used to get these very rarely since the fundo procedure last year, but since yesterday have it almost constantly. I also have a sore esophagus and wrap which I am hoping will subside with time. Has anyone else had this twitch/spasm? I have read about esophageal spasm whereby the entire esophagus can close up, but this is different and has only started after the endoscopy. The surgeon was 100% confident of no stetching or damage to the wrap during the procedure.
I also gagged quite a bit during the scope but the surgeon assured me that would not damage the wrap as it was not a full heaving situation. But the little voice in my head tells me otherwise....
I'm wishing I hadn't had the scope done but I didn't feel like I had a choice as the PH tests aren't 100 reliable and I still feel reflux symptoms. I'd love to hear from other post fundo patients who experienced and overcame similar issues as a result of an endoscopy as I am in a bit of a panic.
Thanks in advannce to you all,