Donna and leniijane,I would never suggest you vary from your own surgeons' eating protocol, but I can tell you that my surgeon's protocol of eating "anything that can be chewed to a liquid" worked just fine for me from Day 6 on.
It's really a common sense approach, and you'll have to use your good minds to first guess which foods can do this, then only swallow those test foods that actually do.
Take small bites and chew, chew, chew, chew, chew until it's a liquid. You're basically doing the job of the blender, and if you're anything like me, the chewing is much more satisfying than swallowing mush that's already been liquified.
Have a paper napkin handy in which to deposit those things that don't chew to a liquid. Don't swallow anything that doesn't fit that requirement.
Have some tea or warm water nearby to prime the pump and get your esophagus relaxed.
Honestly, I didn't have any trouble with that eating plan. Sure, everyone who's recovering has their share of spasms and things that don't swallow comfortably, but I never had any serious hold-ups.
That said, I did have the very common collection of food and liquids that tend to sit at the wrap and not make the complete trip through. It's not that some of it didn't get's just that it didn't all finish the journey.
That's why, after eating it's good to drink water or tea. The swallows help push any residual foods into the stomach where it belongs.
Happy Eating!