Hi Jennuine,Welcome back to the GERD forum. Yes, this group is a kind of catch-all, but it seems that people respond to the posts they can relate to, and just provide support to the ones they don't. We do our best to help everyone!
I can only relate to your swallowing issues in the context of recovering from my Nissen fundoplication in February 2009. Those of us who have been "wrapped" have experienced just what you're experiencing during the healing period.
What you describe does sound like a motility issue, and as I was reading a manometry test came to mind immediately. I think you'll get lots of information from that. If it turns out that motility is your problem, I believe there are some medications that can help get things moving a little better, but unfortunately I'm not very knowledgeable on the subject.
The manometry isn't fun, but I've had it done three times and I'm still here. It involves the placement of a probe, then the swallowing of sips of water. The trick is not swallowing in between required swallows, or those swallows have to be repeated, and the procedure takes longer. It's very natural to want to swallow when you feel something in your throat, but it gets easier with practice. Bill, a moderator here, has gotten really accustomed to having them and is quite the speed demon getting through the test these days!
As far as eating..I'm wondering if you could follow my surgeon's protocol for post-Nissen, and take very small bites and chew, chew, chew until whatever it is is chewed to a liquid/creamy consistency. If you have some (non-iced) water or tea (especially warm tea or warm water...it can calm down the esophagus and help it work more efficiently.) If anything doesn't chew to a liquid, don't swallow it...deposit it in a handy paper napkin.
Just a thought...it might make your eating more enjoyable. Basically, your mouth and teeth become your blender. The key is very small bites, and chew, chew, chew.
Hopefully others will be by soon to share their own experiences and provide support.
Best wishes,