Welcome to the Wrapped Club.. having been a member since the 1st day of April 2011, I know what you are going through...You have so many new feelings coming at you. You just need to take the advise of one of the wisest members here (Denise), surrender to the recovery. If you can do that you will make it through the coming months without a hitch. I can tell you that there will be times when you wonder when you will be normal again.. you will be normal again when your body has had time to heal and it tells you that you can proceed with whatever it is that you want to do. Listen to your body, it will let you know what you are ready for and what you cannot do yet.
More than anything, know that if you have questions you can come here for the answers. When you want to vent or scream or get mad or cry out of frustration, come here and we will embrace you and tell you everything will be ok. We can do that because we have been there. Come here when you feel you have triumphed over this thing called recovery.. we will all cheer with you.
If you have questions about
diet or drink or how to get rid of gas or even issues with diarrhea..(yep, we talk about
all those things here because they all affect us to some degree after NF)... come to us...
You have happened upon the greatest forum ever built... we will be here for you....
You are fortunate to have such caring help...just remember
Reach for the Sunshine... Rainbows will follow..