Max - I was getting bad asthma about
4 years ago and did not realize the connection with reflux until an allergy doctor told me her brother has reflux induced asthma. I truly think reflux creates many issues. I have gastitis as well and I think it is caused by powdered Nexium,which was the only form of the drug my insurance would help pay for over the past 3 years. It irritated my stomach, and I think is the reason after 13 years of having reflux I ended up with Barrett's.
I have to believe that statistically, if you find the right surgeon, this works for more people than not. I think I had the right surgeon, I just think I have the wrong body
. I know, it's a hard decision and believe me, I have had a few major break downs thinking I did something to my body that I wish I had not.
I wish you luck, I know what you are going through. Keep looking at posts, there are positive stories out there that are encouraging! If you are in daily pain to one extent or another, you do not want to wait until it turns into Barrett's.