Hi SK55, Outdoorsgirl,
I did strict low-carb for about nine months. It is tough -- so much so that Norm Robillard, the guy who wrote a book five or so years ago promoting low-carb as a cure for GERD, admits he has trouble staying on it. As does Dr. Michael Eades, who wrote the books promoting high protein, low carbs as the answer to just about everything. This really shocked me.
I started back on low carb recently, trying to cure this latest LPR flare, staying below 30 carbs a day for a couple of weeks. When I read about the Koufman plan, I jumped for joy. Bread!!! She actually WANTS you to eat a loaf a week! Oatmeal porridge! And I see by the book that you can even drink a cup of coffee a day. By the way, I bought some stuff on-line that's supposed to de-acidify coffee without changing the taste. Doesn't solve the caffeine issue, of course.
Gum-chewing is my secret vice (ex-smoker). I've been trying to cut down, partly because of the aspartame, partly because of the air-swallowing. Peppermint is my favourite -- seems to quell nausea, for one thing -- but I know it's not great for the LES. So I've been switching to fruit flavours (but are they acidic??) and trying a brand sweetened with xylitol (but does it cause gas??). So many problems!!