Max and John,Believe me, I understand your worries. When I decided to have my surgery it was with the full realization that I could have the surgery and my lungs would not improve. If the reflux is not the cause of whatever the ailment, then the surgery won't solve it.
In my case I was out of options. I had to try the surgery, and if my lungs didn't improve, then at least they could rule out reflux as the cause.
It was not easy dealing with horrible coughing and mucous on top of the recovery, but as I saw it, I didn't have a choice. I knew that the Nissen track record for atypical symptoms wasn't as good as for those with straight volume reflux, but I just hoped that I would be on the positive side of the statistics.
There were no guarantees, though. I just made my mind up that I would just sit back and see what happened. I knew that if I worried the whole time it wouldn't change the outcome. I kept my fingers crossed, and worked hard to keep a positive attitude. I told myself to surrender to the recovery and just follow it wherever it led.
I guess I'm lucky that I can bring my mind back to positive when it wanders in the wrong direction. I'm a strong believer that "happiness is an inside job"...that happiness comes from within and is not dependent upon outside conditions. It's a choice.
You both have mentioned that you're Christian, so I assume that your faith is something that you can rely on in difficult times. There is a great saying: "If you pray, why worry...if you worry, why pray."
Have you discussed your persistent mouth issues with your doctors? Did they suspect any other cause than reflux? If you have a good surgeon and you were thoroughly tested, then I think you can relax and just let it happen.
If you're not taking PPIs regularly at this point it's important to take a maximum dose during this healing stage--especially if your symptoms are persisting. Please discuss this with your doctors. As we've said many times, it's possible that you're getting a little reflux, and if you're "LPRers", you're likely very sensitive to even a little reflux.
I expect your docs will tell you it's too soon to call your surgery a failure and that you need to allow the healing to occur. I'm glad you're both here on the forum where you can talk about your worries and receive support from other members. It would be rough going this road on your own. I was helped greatly by members here, which is why I decided to stick around and help others. "Pay it forward" so to speak.
Even if you don't believe you'll ever be healed, try, try, try to PRETEND you will. Act "as if" you believe that this surgery is going to work for you. Give it a chance. Try to turn your mind away from negative thinking. It's not helping.
It will get better!
“Worry pretends to be necessary but serves no useful purpose”
― Eckhart Tolle
Post Edited (dencha) : 3/9/2012 2:29:10 PM (GMT-7)