Hi Baza,Welcome to the Healing Well Wrapped Club! DJIAREP is right about keeping anti-nausea pills handy ALWAYS post-op, as even if you can vomit post surgery, you won't want to, as it can damage your wrap. I personally prefer having both a pill form (I use Zofran) as well as a suppository form (I use Compazine...it works better for me, because once I'm sick, a pill won't stay down, and suppository is a more effective choice.)
Even retching is bad for a wrap. Even after 3 years, I never go anywhere without anti-nausea meds. We need to always protect our wraps. I had two stomach bugs in the three years since my surgery, and both times I vomited suddenly before I could take meds. Still, I avoided repeated retching and vomiting and kept my wrap safe through the use of the medication.
Nausea is very common during the early stages of recovery. Your stomach has been stretched and wrapped and stitched, and isn't very happy right now. You can't blame it for being upset! Just take it easy on what you're eating...if you're trying more solid foods, or more spicy choices, go back to smoother, more liquid, and blander choices until your stomach has had more time to heal.
Again, glad you've joined us! I expect others will be by soon to offer support and information.
Happy healing,